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Review of Mr Paper Plates (and other dubious dates)

Dating might sound like fun but it is not all that easy. It takes patience, tolerance, and a never-give-up attitude. In her book Mr Paper Plates (and other dubious dates), author Sue Attar shares her dating experiences. She talks about memorable dates, some that were boring, and a few that were bizarre. These dates span over 20 years and the author remembers them with fondness, irrespective of their outcomes.

The initial chapters were fun to read. Some of the guys the author dates seemed to be quirky and funny. I had a good laugh and enjoyed the stories. But as the book progressed, my interest began waning.

Initially each date, each guy seemed unique. Later it started to feel like they were all the same. The author’s experiences seemed very similar to most guys. I would not say it’s impossible. It is natural to have similar experiences with many people. But when making those experiences into a book, I would filter out the ones that don’t seem very interesting or engaging. The author has listed her experiences with 24 guys! If Attar had limited the list to the entertaining few, the book would have been much more fun to read.

The length and the uninteresting stories were the things I least liked about the book. So, I would rate it 4 out of 5 stars. The book is professionally edited. I did not come across any grammatical errors.

I recommend the book to readers looking for some wholesome laughs. The book will appeal more to female readers. Those ladies who enjoy dating, have dated a lot, and have fun experiences, will relate the most to the book. Interestingly, the author does not judge the guys she has dated, she humorously shares her experiences and moves on. Readers above the age of 40 will most likely enjoy this book better because most of the stories shared by the author belong to the era of e-mails and letters, and not the fancy dating apps that are widely used today.

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